- Engagement – The focus of engagement efforts is around areas of mutual concern and shared expectations.
- Respect and Trust – The provider demonstrates respect for others and facilitates the development of relationships that are built upon mutual respect and trust.
- Self-Determination – The provider works with individuals as the “central actor” in their own development and facilitates their growth and development.
- Collaboration – The provider works in partnership, and as needed with others in assessing, planning and implementing actions to promote positive solutions and outcomes.
- Journey – Service delivery pathways intuitively support the journey of the consumer and partnership with the provider.
- Accessible – Easy access is provided through many channels with an emphasis on no wrong door, screen or device.
- Consumer Focused
- Needs
- Values
- Preferences
- 360⁰ View
- Personalized – Engagement, service delivery planning and delivery of services are aligned with the consumer’s context, needs, values and preferences.
Resource: Person-Centered Meta Model of Practice Strategic Planning Considerations (PDF file)
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